Monday 16 April 2012

Production Log - Week 7

 This week we planned to complete the first 30 seconds of footage in school on the Monday but only got round to it on Thursday due to our actors being busy and having to reschedule at least twice each. Eventually we found a time in the school day where the appropriate people were free to film and record, including me for filming, my partner, a drama student and Miss Aucott, a drama teach - selected for a higher quality of acting.

We used the HD camera provided by the media department and also planned to use the Rhode microphone to get the best sound quality possible. However we ended up using the cameras microphone as the Rhode microphone was new to us and we therefore could not figure out how to both operate it and record everything we needed in such a short amount of time (1 hour). We also used the tripod to make use of a variation of angles and heights. 

Another part of our recording - on the roads and in the flats stairway was done during the evening with friends using the same equipment.

The raving footage was recorded previously in a hand held style on IPhones. We decided this would suit well to add to the realistic hands-on recording style to make the audience feel closer to the action.

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