Sunday 15 April 2012

Production Log - Week 6

This week we intended to confirm and complete our titles by getting a friend who does high quality graffiti to write them out for us. We then planned to scan the titles in and insert them into various parts of our sequence.

To sum the titles situation up, it has gone pretty bad. As per usual the friend we selected to help us out with the titles is either very busy or just plain lazy and as a consequence we have not completed them.

However through attempting to complete them we have managed to come up with the different titles we will be using and also targeted a selected amount of time to display titles in the clip in order to allow enough screen time for our footage. This information can be found on the 'Titles' post.

As a result of not getting the titles completed, we are not going to panic and rush to get them sorted but leave them for another week - during which we will be finding ways of getting round this problem whilst fosucing on other aspects of the opening sequence.

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