Monday 23 April 2012

Evaluation - Overview of the Breif

For this project we worked towards creating the opening sequence of a British Social Realism film. The title of our film is 'Wasters.' Our main character is someone that does not work hard, wastes school time, takes drugs and spends a lot of time partying illegally connoting someone that consumes the police’s time and money. You can find this information in further detail in the treatment. The title connotes the stereotype we based our film on is classed as somewhat of a waste of space under the public eye.

In the opening we see Jamie discussing his future with his teacher, the frame then freezes and skips to some of Jamie’s mates going to meet him to prepare their drugs for the party connoting how he 'waste's' his teachers time who is putting in effort to help him go back to his old lifestyle. Clips of the party are then crosscutted in. The party then crosscuts with the credits until the title appears which ties in with our original idea of a young boy getting involved with the rave scene as it connotes the sudden change in lifestyle.

It explores themes such as underage drug abuse and dealing which happens on the premise of the illegal party on a huge scale. This is shown through Jamie and his mates dealing drugs to each other at 1:00 in the sequence. It represents the issue of drugs very freely, connoting a lack of power from the authorities - at no point is there a police officer intervening in their dealings. This idea is backed up from the secondary research I carried out and also supported in our treatment.

The theme of teenage life is also critical to our genre and target audience. We found this from 'the most commonly viewed BSR film' question in our
Vox Poxs. 
This type of lifestyle is connoted through the walking scene at 0:54 in the sequence where the boys walk freely through the streets in a group - an action which you would not see many other age groups do often. They show a lack of care for the people around them connoting the stereotypical teenager. The scene connotes an intimidating perspective on the boys as a social group.

Another theme explored in our sequence is social class. Jamie is initially represented as your general middle class, white student in school expeirencing a bit of a rbeleious phase. After the monologue comes in and the other scenes our opinions of him become lower as if he is below us connoting that drug use can almost automatically represent you as what the general public would call a 'waste' of space - refering back to the reasons for our title.

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