Thursday 19 April 2012

Production Log - Week 10

This week on the first lesson we finally came up with an idea for the titles. We were going to print of the names of the actors and directed etc. and stick them to the various parts of a fag box - e.g. where it says smoking kills and on the sheets used to roll a roll-up. This way we can show Robert making a roll-up which will fit into the themes of our sequence and still show the titles.

Our creativity was influenced by our teachers urge to not use basic titles as they are worth a lot in terms of giving our sequence an edge in terms of standing out and making sure our titles actually connote the themes and ideas that we want to connote in our film.

Here is an example of how the titles would of looked:

We planned on recording this near the pizza shop where we shot some of the footage of Jamie and his mates going to the rave to make it seem realistic and make sure everything makes sense in terms of where the characters are and where they are going.

However we decided to use the sheets of a rizzla pack and write the titles on them so that we kept things simple and quick as we only had a couple days before our deadline.

The previous idea was very time consuming with the images above taking around an hour and a half to complete.

Also, we recroded it so the lighting only showed Jamies hands and the rizzla pack with a black background which I thinks looks better than what we originally planned.

Here is an example of one of our final titles:

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