Monday 20 February 2012

Pre-Production - Themes and Ideologies Analysis

British Social Realism films will always have key themes that relate to both the producer and the films ideologies.  This is a key concept of the genre as it means that viewer can generate their own personal ideas and views on the themes of the film. A key convention of British Social Realism is about dealing with British society’s cultural ideas and problems of what is usually the working class. For example in Trainspotting, the idea of drug culture is dealt with in a negative way by perceiving the drugs to be useless  but at the same time showing how much the users can enjoy the sensations. By doing this we recognise that drug culture needs to be dealt with if we want to see an improvement in the youths chances of becoming successful and living drug free lives. It is unusual to find these types of ideas and themes in other film genre which is why British Social Realism is exclusive in its type. Therefore from studying a variety of British Social Realism films we begin to recognise the patterns of themes and ideologies as they all combine to deal with societies genuine problems that are only noticed by the working class as they are the ones experiencing them.

What’s in the news?

The evening standard have presented this article which deals with the rat race to win tickets to the London 2012 Olympics. From this subject I have generated an idea for a film synopsis for a British Social Realism film.

The Olympic site is being built as we speak in Stratford – previously one of London’s poorest areas. The government have invested millions into recreating the entire area to create the start of a new town which is soon to be one of the most expensive areas in Britain. However, was this done by the government to save the potential of all of the young lives in this ex-poor area? This is what we have been told. Because this is what we want to hear. Something beneficial for Britain’s youth who are now so commonly named as the most violent culture of young people that the history of Britain has ever seen. But from my view, this is yet another investment from the British government that is based on only one factor – Money. My film synopsis is based around the theme of government corruption. The film will deal with ideas such as social status and government actions and how they deal with the problems in the country’s capital. It will give a clear idea of the split between working class, middle class and upper class. An issue which everyone wants to see change in. The basic plot is about how the government lie to the public by telling us the Olympic games is in the best interest of the capitals people. However due to the internet’s modern wonders – for example, Wiki Links, the government is then exposed to the public to show that the Olympic games is purely for the purpose of making money to invest in bank shares, politicians bonuses and other money related issues that are not actually helping to deal with the problems in Britain’s social culture, but only make them worst.

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