Wednesday 1 February 2012

Pre-Production - Post Secret - Inspirational Ideas

"I often find myself walking through busy downtown neighborhoods, passing by people of all ages, ethnicities, and backgrounds, going about their lives, hurrying to get somewhere, or trying to leave. All of them, a different face, a different life, a different story.

Whenever I see them, I can't help but think, what secrets are these people carrying with them every day, wherever they go, that no one else in the world knows about? Do their secrets weigh them down? Do we have any secrets in common? Do their secrets make them feel alone?"

This idea could easily form the idea to a British Social Realism film as it relates to the problems that go un-heard of in society. The narrative could be based around a teenage boy whos Mum is terminally ill. A massive secret that he may not have told to anyone which could lead to deppresion with the help of a drug addiction he picks up along the way. It would relate to how normal working class people experience life changing events that we dont usually think of and also tackle the issue of drug abuse in Britain.

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