Tuesday 7 February 2012

Pre-Production - Production Log - Week 1

During the course of the week we have been introduced to the beginning of the unit by learning how we will be marked and what we can do to avoid a poor piece of work and create a high quality piece of work.

We were introduced to the four levels that we will be assessed by:

Minimal: work will be of a minimum quality and quantity, negligible.

Basic: forming an essential foundation or starting point to our work

Proficient: competent or skilled in doing the necessary work.

Excellent: outstanding levels of skill and knowledge in work when executed.
To help gain an understanding of this we marked pupils work from the previous years which helped me recognise the qualities and faults of work - this will hopefully result in my work avoiding cliché errors and containing originality and flair.

Specifically from marking this work we found that it is vital that we avoid cliché film ideas and typical trailer scenes such as waking up in bed and flashbacks. I will be sure to avoid these ideas as it will show a lack of creativity and flair - both of which are mentioned in the marking scheme as vital for higher grades.

We recognised this by contrasting and comparing two different trailers. The better one was about university fee protests which provided the trailer with creativity and flair as it was a controversial issue in England at the time - meaning it went down well as a British Social Realism film as they always include controversial issues and ideas in the plot.

Main points learned this week:
-Avoid cliché
-Be creative/show flair
-Conventions of BSR.

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