Tuesday 21 February 2012

Pre-Production - Production Log Week 2

This week we have been specifically learning about the various codes and conventions of British Social Realism. (BSR)
The conventions we are introduced to are mostly based around controversial issues in society that can be applied mostly to the working class. A couple of conventions introducing narrative, characters and setting - there for not focusing too much on actual plot. Working class characters played by new British talent, voiceovers and typical themes such as racism and law breaking. Generally creating a solid introduction the basis of the films which would commonly include establishing shots.

Once this had been taught to us, it was up to us as individuals to explore the various ways in which we could include these conventions in our opening sequence. For example, although these conventions are all vital to BSR films, they do not necessarily all have to be explored in opening sequences. I plan on including factors such as drugs, law breaking and more vitally, not focusing too much on the plot and rather using the 2 minutes of screen time to set up the plot by showing the themes, characters and issues that are included in the film.

My ideas have been largely influenced through the study of other BSR opening sequences, for example, 'The Football Factory.' The reason I initially looked at this film’s opening sequence is because it relates to the plot that I will be focusing on in my work - following the life of a care-free and reckless antagonist who needs to get out of the lifestyle that he is stuck in.

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