Monday 5 March 2012

Pre-Production - Production Log - week 4

This week we focused on target audience - conducting both primary and secondary research to gain a clearer idea as to who our film will be targeted at and whether we are currently targeting the right audience. From conducting our Vox Pops we have learned that our audience is specific to the right people and our ideas are strong. However we noticed that some people recommended to include racism in the film. We are probably going to avoid this as it does not really correlate with our main themes and would not add to the realistic portrayal of the 'Rave culture' in the film.
However I conducted some secondary research before hand to help give a clear idea of exactly what kind of things happen at a squat party, where they are, how they are set out and what kind of people attend them. 

This will inform our production as it means we can include camera footage of the most commonly noticed parts of a rave and therefor help the audience to understand elements that are harder to show on a screen such as the vibes, atmosphere and intensity of the music.

Here are some ideas of the views we should include to create a realistic approach to portraying this type of culture.
The qualities of a squat party - not much quality at all.

Location - illegal and abandoned in urban, suburban and sometimes very secluded locations enviroments.

I think we left a major question out of our Vox Pops that could of made a difference towards having an effective and realistic BSR film. I think we should have asked the respondents about their views on the Police and whether we should include the theme of controversial policing in our film as this issue is something that is commonly involved the rave culture. As you may know the culture does break many laws and it is something the police are concerned about for the health & safety and well-being of people involved in the raves but more importantly the disruptions they may cause to others. In order to find out if this is as vital as I believe I am going to conduct some secondary research to explore policing issues in the raving scene.

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