Thursday 1 March 2012

Pre-Production - Production Log - week 3

This week we have been studying various types of BSR opening sequences. I have noticed that the sequences give away lots of clues about narrative but never leave the audience knowing too much. they set the themes and ideas up for the viewer.

An example is Trainspotting. The film introduces the protagonist running away from security down side roads and barging past pedestrians. From this we can understand that the Protagonist is not law-abiding, is a thieve and knows his area well - e.g. side alleys and small roads. This tells us that he is from a working class area. 

In my opening sequence I plan to introduce themes such as drugs, illegal activities, rebel actions and verbal abuse to the working class. this will set my audience up to know what kind of protagonist they are dealing with, however it will give no clues as to how the plot lays out further on in the diegesis of the film. 

Font type we are considering

Accesories that will be scattered around the titles.

However, in terms of opening sequences we have decided to use a diatribe of elements that our protagonist may use or possess - e.g. cannabis, Rizla, cigarettes etc. The actual font will be in a graffiti form as graffiti is something that our target audience will have come across or even be involved in. We want to be adventurous with our titles as we have noticed many film opening sequences and even people in our class do not completely focus on them to get the best out of the credits. The titles are just as important as any other element in terms of giving away clues to the narrative and transferring themes from the screen to the audience.

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