Thursday 1 March 2012

Pre-Production - Our Vox Pox. Audience Research and Analysis


What do you think the age of our Protagonist should be?
The responses varied from the ages 16 to 24, informing us that our age is going in the right direction. Many people said 18 years of age, which may be because they are associating laws of legal drugs such as Alcohol and Tobacco with our main character and then associating them to illegal drug taking. 

However, we decided that 17 would be the best age to emphasize the controversial issue of drug abuse being associated with youths and not adults. The younger the protagonist more of a problem the issue would become as the audience recognizes it. 

What gender do you think the Protagonist should be?

9/10 of our respondents said male, which informs us that we have made the right decision to make our Protagonist male. It proves that our decision is based on being realistic; as you would more commonly see a male teenager get involved in raving and drugs. 

What do you think of our idea?

All 10 of our respondents gave a positive response to our idea which means we have met the wants and needs of our target audience and also targeted the right group of people. The idea was commonly referred to as original and realistic which is the direction that we hope to go in as it would suit the genre of British Social Realism (BRS) by having a narrative that is realistic to British society and also original which means it is an idea that not many people have focused on. 

By basing the film on the rave scene we will increase awareness of the problems involved such as regular drug abuse and law breaking. 

What are your views on including illicit drugs in the film?

9/10 of our respondents implied that including drugs in the film is a good thing, not in the sense of promoting drug abuse, but promoting the issue of it by raising awareness. Also, it would be particularly hard to not include drugs in the film when this is the main theme of it. Some responses mentioned that it is something happening commonly is today’s society, which supports our line of argument, as although it is something commonly taking place, not everyone is actually aware of the scale of the issue. 

What controversial issues would you like to see?

The first response: "anything really," and others such as "I’m not really sure," shows us that not all of our target audience is aware of the problems of our age group concerning the law. By including as many controversial issues as we realistically can, we feel that we are raising awareness not only to the older community but our target audience which may have positive effects of issues such as drug taking.

The most common issue referred to was racism which may be due to the fact that our respondents are from an urban, multi-cultural society and so they have seen or even experienced racism in there childhood. This automatically makes us recognize the scale of this issue in urban and suburban society and therefore implies that we should try to include some forms of racism at some stage in our film.

What are your favorite BSR films?
Happy Go Lucky: 1

Trainspotting: 1

Attack the block: 1

Made in Britain: 1
Four Lions: 2

Football Factory: 1

Kidulthood/Adulthood: 4

This is England: 1

Greenstreet: 1

Even thought these films are all BSR, the majority have been released through the cinema format which shows that we should definitely consider using large production and exhibition companies to ensure a cinema release in some smaller cinemas as a release in all cinemas would be far out of our budget.
The most common film mentioned is Kidulthood and Adulthood, which shows us that our target audience is most interested in films with characters around the same age as them and from similar locations. This shows us that our film is targeted at the right age group and will most probably get a good response when released.
The second most common film is Four Lions, which has a main theme of racism. This is again a theme that we should include in our film, as it is something that our target audience takes an interest in.

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